Technology Development Resources
Diagnostics Research and Development Resources
Human Specimen Resources
Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Biobanking in Cancer Research
Last Updated: 08/16/21
Browse the CDP's Resources pages for more information on the following topics:
- Templates for Clinical Assay Development
- Assay Harmonization Resources
- Technology Development Resources
- Diagnostics Research and Development Resources
- Human Specimen Resources
- Ethical, Legal, and Social Implication of Cancer Research
For current Funding Opportunity Announcements, please see our funding opportunities page.
Other Resources
The Cancer Diagnosis Program and its various Branches produce many Recommendations and Templates which may be of interest and assistance to the wider diagnostics research community. These recommendations are released on this website for public use and guidance as they become available.
- At the Crossroads of Social Media and Clinical Trials: A Workshop on the Future of Clinician, Patient and Community Engagement
Visit this page from DCTD for resources from the 2018 NCI workshop convened to explore strategies by which social media may engage diverse stakeholders in cancer clinical trial communities. - BEST (Biomarkers, EndpointS, and other Tools) Resource
This resource from the FDA-NIH Biomarker Working Group aims to provide clarity to multiple communities of users and stakeholders by defining important terms related to biomarkers and clinical assessments, and describing some of the hierarchical relationships, connections, and dependencies among the terms. - Biospecimen Reporting for Improved Study Quality (BRISQ)
The BRISQ recommendations present a standardized framework to strengthen communication and publications around biospecimen-related research and help reassure patient contributors and the advocacy community that the contributions are valued and respected. - Reporting Recommendations for Tumor Marker Prognostic Studies (REMARK): explanation and elaboration
Read this publication for an explanation and expansion of the REMARK guideline checklist. - Criteria for the Use of Omics-based Predictors in Clinical Trials
An NCI collaboration with experts in the field, this checklist provides criteria that can be used to determine the readiness of omics-based tests for guiding patient care in clinical trials. This checklist is used by NCI to evaluate proposals for NCI-sponsored clinical trials in which omics tests will be used to guide therapy. See also its explanation and elaborationin BMC Medicine.
- NCI Best Practices for Biospecimen Resources
The NCI Best Practices outline the operational, technical, ethical, legal and policy best practices for NCI-supported biospecimen resources. - Best Practices for Postmortem Recovery of Normal Human Tissue for Research
NCI developed these recommended best practices aimed at improving the acquisition and quality of postmortem normal human tissue for research. - Other Biospecimen Recommendations and Templates
Visit the BBRB resources page to find their latest recommendations and templates pertaining to biorepository and biospecimen science practice.